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Tool To Convert Xml To Html Using Xsl

Generate xsl from xml


Hello I was struggling with this for the past days and I could not find a good answer nor solution. I have an XML file with a list of objects like this: LinesLinesA Class1234GB Class5678FClassClassNumberNoDescriptionDescriptionI am applying the following transformaiton: Finally the desire output for this case would be: ClassNoDescriptionA Class1234GB Class5678FThis case is a case of MxN table, I cna know how many columns from nodes. So, to sumarise:.

The actual list that have to be transformed as a table is all inside root. I don't know how many items (rows) I am going to get, but I can calculate them dividing amount of nodes ($items) by amount of nodes ($columns). Nodes like, and, are columns in table, but they can have other names, they are dynamic and can be 5, 6. Many columns.If I transform above XML with XSL in online tools I only get the header row of the table (and inspecting HTML, I can see 2 rows for 2 items, but empty).


If I use Visual Studio transformation tool, I not only get header row, I also get first 2 columns of table (in this example Class values) but not the values in the rest of them. I really don't understand what is going on and why do I get different results using different tools.Thanks in advance. Lineitmes folllow a regular pattern.Then I believe it could be simply:XSLT 1.0.